Vineart 2022 at Domaine St Aubin

VineArt at Domaine Saint Aubin on July 2, 2022!

An opportunity to discover and appreciate the Domaine St Aubin, in Réans – Gers. ThroughtVineart at domains St Aubin, the Association Vins Côtes de Gascogne   has demonstrated its extraordinary ability to promote trade in its territory. VineArt  en Gascogne is proving itself and is back for a new season from Saturday June 25 to Saturday August 27, 2022.

On Saturday 2 July the Maitre de Cave team was excited to attend one of these events. We looked forward to a visit and tasting of the Bas-Armagnacs offered by Château Saint-Aubin, and to tour their production facility and examine their aging methods and cellaring procedures. We went there to taste Bas-Armagnacs and we were delighted to find that they also had wines to taste.

Saint Aubin estate

Currently, the Saint-Aubin estate occupies 200 hectares, just over 494 acres, in the town of Réans, about 10k west of Éauze in the north-western Gers. Here the soil is sandy clay, the composition of most of the soil in the Bas-Armagnac AOC. The estate is situated with the Garonne to the north, the Landes Forest to the west, and the Pyrenees to the south. This geographical location gives it enough sun, rain and, invigorating wind conditions to gratify and nurture the vines and to induce a generous and aromatic palette. They try methods to increase the quality of their IGP Côtes de Gascogne wines and Bas-Armagnacs by adding their personal, creative touch to the natural, positive qualities their soil provides. Currently, the family believes that 50 of their 200 hectares offer an ideal location for propagating about ten different grape varieties.

A memorable tasting during Vineart

Successful morning, with a VIP welcome by « Uncle Daniel » who told us the history of the Estate and explained how the Westphal family,,  group Hanau  took over the estate. The Westphal family name has its roots in Westphalia, but the native land of this Family is Alsace where, as Jean-Luc says, they were born peasants. He and his brother Daniel have been members of a farming family for generations. Their installation in Gascony and the purchase of Domaine Saint-Aubin allowed them to explore their family passion and to devote themselves fully to the vine. They find themselves free to be creative. They offer innovative wines and Armagnacs through a total commitment to ancestral know-how through modern techniques.

A superb cellar at domaine St Aubin

rangée de bonbonnes de viel Armagnac

Glass contaimers for old Armagnac, ready for bottling

Série de barriques de chênes pour le veillissement de 'Armagnac. voutes blanches. Chateau Saint Aubin

Oak barrels, ageing old Armagnacs. Chateau Saint Aubin


The visit to the cellar in Armagnac is worth it. You begin the immersion with a spectacular flight of stairs enriched with entire rows of large cut-glass containers. They are filled with old Armagnacs, with old vintages. It is an enchantment of rubies, topazes and garnets. Crossing this cave of Ali Baba. Then, arrive in a magnificent, vaulted room, which accommodates 1 to 3 levels of barrels. There lies the treasure of the Bas Armagnacs of Château St Aubin.


A gorgeous place, Vineart at Domaine St Aubin

During our visit and tasting, we found that their attention to cleanliness, freshness and harmony of expression pays off. This applies to everything at Château Saint-Aubin. For instance, the maintenance of the soil, the vines, the production, the winery facilities, or even the design and maintenance of the tasting room. Finally, the products they produced were all extremely unvarnished, expressive, and fresh. More importantly, the wines and Armagnacs were beautifully clean, refreshing, not over-ripe and harmonious.

Flammkueche party during Vineart event

The team got busy cooking a generous amount of Flammkuchen for all the guests. Served on the table with a smile, this delicious Alsatian specialty was accompanied by their 2021 Sauvignon. Fresh, delicious, the perfect match for this evening. Beautiful evening, punctuated by discussions with members of the Westphal family. With a very good soundtrack from the group of musicians.


Preparation de flammekuche, le four

Wetsphal family,busy cooking Flammkuchen. VineArt at Domaine Saint Aubin on July 2, 2022! . Domaine St Aubin

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Exceptionnels Bordeaux Primeurs 2023

La liste des Vins d’Exception du millésime 2023 est passé à 44 contre 22 pour le millésime 2022.

Bordeaux Primeurs 2023 d’exception

Beaucoup l’ont dit : 2023 serait un millésime de vigneron. En effet, nombreux sont ceux qui ont deviné correctement, réagit aux conditions climatiques tout au long de l’année, mais nombreux sont ceux qui ne l’ont pas fait. Certes, les pluies de l’hiver et du printemps ont offert l’eau nécessaire au bon état sanitaire de la vigne et à la reconstitution des nappes phréatiques

Bordeaux Millésime 2023

Les Primeurs en révèlent beaucoup sur la qualité d’un millésime particulier et sur la manière dont la météo aura affecté les vins. Il révèle la qualité de la conduite du vignoble et des processus de vinification mis en œuvre par chaque domaine pour répondre aux problématiques et optimiser la qualité. Il y a de fortes chances que des soucis d’élaboration se retrouveront lors des dégustations. S’il y a de la grandeur à révéler, elle se fera également sans hésitation. J’attends avec impatience cette opportunité passionnante chaque mois d’avril.

Décembre 2023 Terre de Vins Bordeaux Tasting

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Exceptionnels Bordeaux Primeurs 2022

Maître de Cave vous présente notre carte des Vins d’Exception des Dégustations Primeurs de fin Avril 2023 à Bordeaux et Région bordelaise. La liste des Vins d’Exception du millésime 2022 est nettement plus importante que celle du millésime 2021.Bien plus de vins exceptionnel pour le millésime 2022, versus 2021 !!!


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