a wineblog, but not only

Our wineblog is dedicated to amateurs, explorers, and connoisseurs of wine. Join us to enjoy the wine and cuisine from cutting edge dining experiences, the conviviality of wine events and the focus of critical tastings, and the beauty and pleasure of the exciting destinations we investigate. Welcome on board.
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Wine blog


By Maitre de Cave

When an American sommelier and a French enologist share their wine passion

also their passion and interest for culture and gastronomy, so many comments may pop out ! Time for us to share our experiences .

Maitre de Cave is our communication brand

Robert Lawrence Stepek is a cosmopolitan, North American Sommelier-Consultant with more than 45 years of critiquing wines as an importer, retail and restaurant manager, and Cellar Master. Robert Lawrence guides you through the olfactive, gustative, and tactile universe of wines.
Marie Pull is a Languedocian globetrotter as well as an Oenologist and webmarketer. Marie has been a winemaker and worked in oenotourism as both a project manager and a Community Manager. She is happy to share her winery experience and technical information regarding wines, viticulture, biodiversity, wine-industry revelations and innovations, and leading edge internet marketing including web3 creativity.

Read and speak wine

Welcome on booard  !




 The Maitre de Cave


Texts, images and new photos. News  Maitre de Cave advices. 


 Food and Wine pairings

Gastronomy, epicurism, conviviality….. 


 Domains, châteaux 

and  cellars

sharing experiences during visits and encounters.   

Some .technic, too.  

Tasting notes

Wine competitions,  Primeurs  presentations  , exhibitions & Open Doors, cellars visits…



Visiting vineyards

Promoting varietals, specificities of the regions in France, USA , Europe




Culture, œnotourism  and tips.    Discover, enjoy, share.


Exceptional Bordeaux Primeurs 2023

Exceptional Bordeaux Primeurs 2023

The wines included on our list of exceptional wines are divided equally among Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot dominance and Left Bank and Right Bank production. We would recommend reading through all the tasting notes available to you on the 2023 vintage and make any decisions based on that research. Quality, as well as inferiority, were spread evenly throughout the vineyards of Bordeaux in 2023.

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Exceptional Wines Bordeaux Primeurs 2023

Exceptional Wines Bordeaux Primeurs 2023

We tasted almost the same number of wines that we tasted last year, and the average score is approximately the same. So, neither of the variables, quantity of wines tasted and average score, impacted the results from the 2023 vintage. The reason there are so many more Exceptional Wines is that the 2023 vintage is significantly better than the 2022. The best wines in 2023 are better, achieved higher scores, than the wines in 2022, and there are more wines that achieved an exceptional level of quality.

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3 bouteilles de Château Leoville-Poyferré
Allée de bonbonnes de viel Armagnac
Château Margaux Façade, vins rouges de Bordeaux
Photo design de verre a pied avec un peu de vin blanc
service de vin rose dans verre a pied. fond noir
perspective au tasting room du Chêne Bleu
un beau plateau de charcuterie
4 principales couleurs du vin, 4 verres sur barrique
Joli mas provencal, avec ciel bleu
4 principales couleurs du vin, 4 verres sur barrique
4 bouteilles de Bas Armagnac en dégustation
annonce du restaurant la chapelle de Guiraud. avec jasmin jaune
Château Comtesse Pichon-Lalande, Appellation Pauillac Vins Rouges de Bordeaux. Jardin.
Affiche sombre de la grande degustation Bordeaux Tasting
2010_Estate_bottleshot_glasses Kathryn Kennedy

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